Dunkeldorf Miniatures - A line of characterful townsfolk miniatures for RPGs and Tabletop Games
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The House of Serpents Kickstarter
11 months ago
– Thu, Apr 04, 2024 at 08:07:55 AM
Hi everybody! It's been a long time since the last update, but we're finally ready to share some news about the next Dunkeldorf campaign, which launches next month!
Thusnelda von Struttendorf and Gunnar Hessel the Servant
The campaign is called "The House of Serpents" and focuses on the rich and powerful von Struttendorf family. There'll be plenty of Dunkeldorf nobles in the campaign, but we've made sure that there'll be a bit of variety in the campaign as well, so there's something for everyone.
It's a campaign that we're very excited about, and one that we've been looking forward to do ever since we launched the first Dunkeldorf Kickstarter 5 years ago.
The first campaign actually had two von Struttendorf characters in it, Ludmilla & Wilhelm, both of them are getting an updated version in this campaign.
We'll have 4 different sculptors working on the project, Sonny Bundgaard is as usual the main sculptor on the project.
Brigitta von Struttendorf, the Hunter
Christine van Patten who were part of the last campaign is back again, so is Alessio Cisbani who has worked on two previous Dunkeldorf campaigns, and finally, Jason Wiebe is joining the team for the first time!
Heinrich the Stable Master
Christian Schwager, for the 4th time in a row, is doing all of the concept and illustration work, and Jérôme Huguenin is back for the 3rd time to draw a map of the von Struttendorf estate!
Dorothea and her father, Otto von Struttendorf
Early Bird Reward
Just as last time, we'll have Early Bird pledges for the first 24 hours of the campaign. This time though, it's not a bird, but an elderly dog who's visiting the family together with its master, the old and grumpy uncle of Otto, who tends to quickly overstay his welcome.
There'll be lots of accessories, furniture and pets, and with the usual amount of miniatures it's turning out to be a larger campaign than the Streets of Dunkeldorf campaign and we can't wait to share all of it with you!
Otto von Struttendorf together with his wife, Ludmilla von Struttendorf.
News from Dunkeldorf
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 05:55:56 AM
Hi everybody!
Sorry that you haven't heard from us in a while. It's time for a long overdue update. All pledges were shipped out in July. The only exception to this is if you had placed a late pledge order or if you were very slow at filling out the survey.
If you still haven't received your pledge, please send us a message here on Kickstarter so we can look into the matter and get it sorted out :)
Feedback & Unboxing Video by the Creative Kobold
It's been great to hear all the positive comments from all of you and we're so happy that you like the miniatures! Thank you for commenting and letting us know that you like the miniatures and that everything arrived safely, it gives us a lot of extra motivation for the next project ❤️
Magnus Guyra, the Creative Kobold did a great unboxing video showing all the miniatures in detail as well as highlighting some of the Dunkeldorf miniatures that he has painted in the past. Check out the video below and give him a subscribe, he covers a lot of great miniatures from various companies in his videos!
What's next for Dunkeldorf?
Nana and I have a bit of work ahead of us as we're planning on updating a lot of the product photos for Dunkeldorf, which we'll do around the same time of releasing all of the Streets miniatures and terrain in our webshop.
This Kickstarter was quite different from our past ones, as we changed several aspects of the campaign, but we really liked how everything turned out and we'll be sticking to this format going forward.
So! What's next in terms of a new Kickstarter? We've already been working on some stuff this year and we're pretty excited about the next campaign, which will be a very thematic one. At this stage, we have no idea when it'll be ready for launch, but it definitely won't be in 2023. As always, we want to be as prepared as we possibly can before launching a new campaign.
Our original plan was to release the first Dunkeldorf book in the next campaign, but it has become clear to me that releasing both a book and a full Kickstarter at the same time will just be too overwhelming, which means that the book campaigns will be separate campaigns, still with minis in it, just not as many.
The first book to be released will be a sort of art book, both with artwork, but also painted miniatures, behind the scenes stuff and so on.
The House of Serpents
The next Kickstarter is called The House of Serpents. It'll focus on the von Struttendorf family, an incredibly influential, powerful and rich family from Dunkeldorf. A family with plenty of secrets and drama, but also with a history deeply rooted in the town, going all the way back to the founding of Dunkeldorf.
Thusnelda, Otto, Ludmilla & Dorothea von Struttendorf, concepts by Christian Schwager
The Struttendorf's have their own private zoo on their estate, so we're pretty excited about adding a few exotic "Pets" in the next campaign, but we have a lot to cover with the von Struttendorf family, and we're not entirely sure that we'll be able to include all our ideas in a single campaign. Time will tell!
We'll do a couple more Kickstarter updates before we launch the next campaign to show what's coming, until then, remember that we have the Dunkeldorf Community on Facebook, our regular Facebook page and Instagram where we'll also post updates leading up to the next campaign :)
Thanks again to all of you for backing the Kickstarter. It's incredible to think that this was the 4th Dunkeldorf campaign. It doesn't feel like that long ago that we launched the first Kickstarter, but that's quite a few years ago now, and with the help from all of you, we've now achieved having quite the line of miniatures that we're incredibly proud of!
That's it for now, we'll be back in a few months with more previews for the House of Serpents campaign, and remember to send us a message if you still haven't received your pledge so we can get it sorted out :)
Nana & Nicki
Fulfillment Status
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, Jun 01, 2023 at 08:08:12 AM
Hi everybody!
This will be a very short update to inform you about the current fulfillment status!
Before we get to the status, we wanted to mention that it's wonderful to see and hear that many of you have received your pledges and that you're pleased with the miniatures, thank you all so much for the feedback! :D
Photo by Adam
Fulfillment Status
As you can see below, this is where we're currently at. We use this sheet to track our own progress and update it regularly to keep track of how far we are.
In addition to the 291 shipped pledges, we have picked an additional... 75 orders or so, but we need to double check the content to avoid mistakes, and then pack them before they're shipped out. With that sorted out, more than half of the pledges have been shipped out!
At this stage though, after picking these 75ish orders, we have unfortunately run out of resin casts (Notice Board, Street Signs & Lanterns), but the good news is that we expect the final parcel with resin to be shipped out early next week! So it won't be long before we can pick up where we left off and continue packing.
All pledges will have been shipped out before the end of June, and you shouldn't have to wait long until you get your pledge!
We'll be back with the next update after all pledges have been shipped out. We'll write "Comment updates" until then :)
- Nana & Nicki
IMPORTANT: Address Lock and Shipping Info
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 05:06:54 AM
Hi everybody!
I guess a Friday isn't the best day to send out an important update, but we'll keep it short, and get straight to the important stuff!
If you've recently moved: please go check to see if you've entered in your new address in BackerKit, where you filled out the survey, and update your address if you haven't done so already.
If you're about to move: Please send us a message here on Kickstarter, then we'll coordinate together with you about when and where to send the package to.
We will lock all addresses on Sunday, May 7, so we can start preparing the labels, packing lists and all of that the following day.
If you forget to update your address before we lock it in BackerKit: Send us a message as soon as you realize this, so we can manually adjust it and get it all sorted out. The sooner the better :)
Production Status
Metal Production: All of the metal casts have arrived, with the exception of a small restock order from our past Kickstarters, which is due to arrive soon.
Resin Production: We got an update a little over a week ago. The production is going well and the first large batch will be shipped out within 1-2 weeks. Once that parcel arrives we'll be able to start shipping out pledges, which we expect to be around mid-May. We have already received test casts of all the items and they're all looking great!
Lots of Moonuments!
Our original shipping estimate was set to June 2023, which means that we'll be able to start shipping out a bit sooner than expected, but we probably won't be able to get everything sent out in May as we may end up having to wait a bit for the last resin to arrive, but unless something goes completely awry, all pledges will have been shipped out before the end of June.
All packages are shipped with tracking and once your package has been sent, you should receive an email notification from the Danish courier "PostNord" with the tracking number, you'll then be able to track the package with PostNord right until it enters the destination country.
From that point on, you'll be able to track it with the official postal service in your country, which means that for US backers you can use the tracking code in USPS' system and for the UK backers you can use it in the Royal Mail system and so on.
The Art Prints
The Character Art Prints arrived a few weeks ago and they're looking great! We're just waiting for the Moonument Map to arrive now and then everything is ready on the art front as well!
The A5 Character Art Prints
That's it for now, have a wonderful weekend! We'll be back again with another update after we've shipped out the first batch of pledges.
We can't wait for all of you to start receiving your pledges! Do remember to join us in the Dunkeldorf Community on Facebook where we'd love to see your painted versions of the miniatures and scenery!
- Nana & Nicki
March Update
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 06:13:34 AM
Hi everybody, it's time for our monthly update!
Pledge Manager
A few of you still haven't completed the survey yet, please do it as soon as possible to avoid delays and to make it easier for us :)
Expected Delivery & Preparation
In case you've missed it, or forgotten! Our estimated shipping date is set to June 2023, and unless we run into some major obstacles next month, then we believe that we'll be able to start shipping out a month earlier, in May. No promises though, as it all depends on the production.
As mentioned in the last update, the metal casts have started arriving and we're preparing as much as possible in advance. This includes getting our Dunkeldorf Shelves ready for our 4th Kickstarter fulfillment.
Our Dunkeldorf fulfillment system
Below you can see a close-up of the far right picking shelves, which will contain everything for the Streets of Dunkeldorf campaign. Including the pets, accessories, resin terrain and so on, which will be added later on.
Then we of course have a whole lot of extra miniatures in other containers, each of them containing several hundreds of each miniature.
Production Status
We're starting out with a status on the metal production. Below you can see the numbers that we're getting produced in metal.
10.000 Miniatures (Only from this latest campaign, not including add-ons from the previous Dunkeldorf Kickstarters)
800 Pets (Schmutz and the full set of the Feathered Fiend)
So that's close to 12.000 individual items. We just did a count earlier this week and we're at 7090 delivered.
The final amount of individual items, when including add-ons from the past Kickstarters is of course higher than 12.000, but overall we're well on the way and May is very realistic when looking at the metal production alone.
The resin production. The latest news, from about a week ago, is that all of the moulds have been made and that the production is in full swing and that our timeplan for May should be possible. We'll know with more certainty when posting the next update :)
The Mutant Kids
Nana has just finished painting the three mutant kids, Bubi, Oli & Bibi (And Prinz as well, on the stairs in the second photo). She had a lot of fun painting them, but they're really small! Here they are on 20mm round bases.
The kids on one of their adventures in the sewers of Dunkeldorf.
Next Update
In the April update we'll talk about the upcoming Address Lock on the surveys and what to do if you're about to move. We'll hopefully show the artwork prints that we expect to arrive soon and of course share the latest production news.